Orange Shortbread Fingers
Makes 18
4 oz unsalted (sweet) butter at room temperature, diced
2 oz caster sugar, plus extra for sprinkling
finely grated rind of 2 oranges
6 oz all purpose flour
1. Preheat the oven to 190C/375F. Grease a large baking sheet. Beat together the butter and sugar until soft and creamy. Beat in the orange rind
2. Gradually add the flour and gently pull the dough together to form a soft ball. Roll out the dough on a lightly surface to about 1cm/0.5inch thick.
3. Cut into narrow bars, sprinkle over a little extra caster sugar and place on the baking sheet. Prick the surface with a fork and bake for about 20 minutes, until the cookies are a light golden color. Transfer the cookies to a wire rack and leaves to cool.
Tip: Store the cookies in plastic bags or an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.
香橙手指饼(食谱转自The Cookie and Biscuit Bible)
4 oz 无盐黄油,室温放软
2 oz 细糖,额外准备少量最后撒在饼干面团上
6 oz 面粉
1. 烤箱预热至180C/375F。烤盘里铺烤盘纸备用。在一个深底盆里搅打黄油和糖至软滑。拌入橙皮。
2. 逐步加入面粉,轻轻拌匀。最后将面团放在撒了一些面粉的工作台上,用手轻揉成团。
3. 将面团整齐切成一块块长方形,小心地放入烤盘,均匀得在表面撒上糖,用叉子的背面交叉轻压面团成整齐花纹。进烤箱约20分钟,(面团不同的厚度和大小,烘烤时间略有不同)烤至饼干略金黄色即可拿出,在铁架上放凉。