
Tiramisu Cookies
Tiramisu Cookies
Make 14
50g butter, at room temperature, diced
90g caster sugar
1 egg, beaten
50g plain (all purpose) flour
For the filling
150g mascarpone cheese
1 tbsp dark rum
1/2 tsp instant coffee powder
1 tbsp light muscovado (brown) sugar
For the topping
75g white chocolate
1 tbsp milk
2 tbsp crushed chocolate flakes
1. To make the filling, put the mascarpone cheese in a bowl. Mix together the rum and coffee powder, stirring well until the coffee has dissolved.
2. Add the rum and coffee mixture and the sugar to the cheese and mix together well. Cover with clear film and chill until required.
3. Preheat the overn to 200C/400F. Line two or three baking sheets with baking parchment. To make the cookies, cream together the butter and sugar in a bowl until light and fluffy.
4. Add the beaten egg and mix well. Stir in the flour and mix thoroughly again until well combined.
5. Put the mixture into a piping (pastry) bag fitted with a 1.5cm nozzle and pipe 28 small blobs on to the baking sheets, spaced slightly apart.
6. Cook for about 6-8 minutes until firm in the centre and just beginning to brown on the edges. Remove from the oven and set aside to cool.
7. When ready to assemble, spread a little of the filling on to half the cookies and place the other halves on top.
8. Put the chocolate and milk in a heatproof bowl and melt over a pan of hot water. Take care not to overheat. When the chocolate has melted, stir vigorously to make a smooth spreadable consistency.
9. Spread the chocolate topping evenly over the cookies, then sprinkle with crushed chocolate flakes to finish.
50g 奶油,室温放软
90g 糖
50g 面粉
150g 马斯卡彭芝士
1 tbsp 深色朗姆酒
1/2 tsp 速溶咖啡粉
1 tbsp 黑糖
75g 白巧克力
1 tbsp 牛奶
2 tbsp 巧克力碎
1. 做夹馅:马斯卡彭芝士室温软化。把朗姆酒和咖啡粉混合搅拌至咖啡粉溶化。
2. 把咖啡酒液和黑糖加入芝士,拌匀,盖上保鲜膜,备用。
3. 预热烤箱至200C/400F,准备2-3个烤盘里铺烤盘纸。混合奶油和糖,打至呈羽毛状。
4. 打散鸡蛋,加入奶油和糖的混合物拌匀。拌入面粉,轻柔搅拌均匀。
5. 裱花袋装上1.5厘米的圆形光滑管嘴,将面糊装进裱花袋,在烤盘纸上有间距得挤出28个圆形。(每个饼干面糊挤大约直径2.5cm即可,出炉后的饼干会涨至直径5cm,所以烤盘上的间距要预留足够)
6. 烤6-8分钟,至饼干中间变硬,周围略泛黄色即可。放凉备用。
7. 准备组装饼干的时候,在一块饼干上铺一层馅料,盖上另一块饼干。
8. 在平底锅里烧开一英寸高的开水,熄火。将白巧克力和牛奶放入一个耐热的碗里,不停地搅拌巧克力,隔水加热至巧克力融化光滑。