如果好像小罗一样忙得除了周末之外,完全没空健身又Sweet teeth的话,这款Low-fat的Creamy Rice Pots无疑可以减轻不少来自甜品的罪恶感。
Creamy Rice Pots
Fat per serve: 3.5 g
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Total cooking time: 1 hour 10 minutes
Serve 4
1/2 cup short-grain rice
1 litre skim milk
1/4 cup caster sugar
1 tsp grated orange rind
1 tsp grated lemon rind
1 tsp vanilla essence
20 g hazelnuts
1 tbsp soft brown sugar
1. Wash the rice in a sieve under cold water until the water runs clear, then drain thoroughly.
2. Put the milk and sugar in a pan and stir over low heat until the sugar has dissolved.
3. Add the rice and rind and stir briefly. Bring to the boil and reduce the heat to as low as possible. Cook for 1 hour, stirring occasionally, until thick and creamy and the rice is tender. Stir in the vanilla essence.
4. Spread the hazelnuts on a baking tray and toast in a moderate 180C//350F oven for about 5 minutes.
5. Rub the hot nus in a tea towel to remove as much of the skin as possible. Cool and grind in a food processor to a coarse texture, not too find. Preheat a grill to very hot.
6. Spoon the rice into four heatproof 185ml ramekins. Combine the sugar and ground hazelnuts and sprinkle over the rice.
7. Grill briefly until the sugar melts and the nuts are lightly browned. Serve immediately.
1/2 cup 短粒大米
1/4 cup 糖
1 tsp 橙子皮屑
1 tsp 柠檬皮屑
1 tsp 香草精
20g 烤过的杏仁片(原食谱用的是生榛子,做法可参照英文食谱)
1 tbsp 红糖
1. 米用冷水洗净,沥干。
2. 小锅里加入牛奶和糖,低温加热直至糖融化。
3. 在小锅中加入洗净的米和橙子、柠檬的皮屑,搅拌。烧开后调到最低火继续煮一个小时,偶尔搅拌直至奶液变厚,米粒烧软,加入香草精。
4. 烤箱180C/350F预热。完成的米饭盛入4个烤箱用碗或杯。混合红糖和杏仁片撒在米饭上,进烤箱烤15-20分钟至红糖融化,杏仁变色即可。稍放凉立刻食用。